Overview maps of the regional variety in the Northern Romance language area

Map 1: The Romance varieties in the South of Belgium

The bleu lines delimit the romance area
The red lines delimit the regional varieties
Gaumais stands for Lorrain in Belgium.

Scanned from p. 16 in: Michel Francard, Langues d'Oïl en Wallonie, Langues européennes 9, 2000, Brussels, European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, ISBN 1-870675-177


Map 2: The Langues d' Oïl area

Scanned from p. 9 in: Michel Francard, Langues d'Oïl en Wallonie, Langues européennes 9, 2000, Brussels, European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, ISBN 1-870675-177

This page is created as illustration for our pages about languages spoken in Belgium
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Updated: July 7, 1996, November 26, 2000, transferred to the Combell server on 2020-10-26

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